The Journey To Inspired Leadership
It's obvious, it's you! You're the leader. You're tasked by your vision to create, lead, nurture, develop, design, produce and inspire a business or department that gives you a rewarding, independent, freedom-based ability to choose your path and decide your future. Now... is everyone else on the same page as you for your vision, maybe some, but probably not all, or at least not in the way you want them to be. Many leaders make the mistake of believing, or hoping, that their employees, vendors and free-lancers are ready to work as hard, or as effectively, as they do. Guess what, probably not. The longer you've been in a leadership role, the more evidence you have to the contrary. It takes a serious and concerted effort to acquire the employees and vendors through an established and trusted process that ensures that your vision can become reality through 1) mutual respect, 2) solid business practices that are quality consistent, and 3) a common desire to grow together.
High Achieving
Can you see yourself from outside yourself? Even for just a bit, can you detach from your experiences of this world as you know it currently, remove your subconscious behavioral responses that control the majority of your decision making, remove the conditions of your life up until now, remove the ego and your wants - to really understand who you have become up to this moment? And if you started over right now with a new awareness, could you discard the patterns holding you back and start the work to optimize how you see and interact with the world moving forward? Some of the most accomplished leaders in the world recognize that they play a role in something much larger than just what they can control, and that their successes can be attributed to so many variables that they have an expanded and profound vision of the world and how wisdom in the true mark of a great leader. A healthy detachment with an empathic nature is key to evolved leadership.
What's the current mix of talent in your organization? How is your workforce weighted based on vision, management, or specific skill sets? Do you have a highly visionary executive team, but may be lacking in organizational execution? Or do you have single visionary founder with a company of mostly skill driven positions, that may be lacking in good communication between the vision and the product? Or perhaps, you're in the dreaded overweighted middle management model, where there isn't enough vision and research on the top end, and not enough skill-based employees able to effectively build your product quickly enough on the back end? What's important is to know where you're strong and where you need reinforcements? A balanced organization is living art, constantly evolving and changing with the conditions it encounters, and it's your responsibility to optimize it. If you don't steer the ship, it will steer you, often into uncharted and stormy waters if you're not paying attention. Intentional company architecture is paramount to handle any market conditions and produce excellent products or services.
The Envision Strategies Approach
The Envision Strategies approach to this specific work is highly personalized in nature. This is not group work, this is not personality tests (which are almost always largely inaccurate), this is a self-work journey you embark on through personalized discussions. We discuss your intention for the business or the department you manage, your current actual or perceived roadblocks, methods to move past these obstacles, and mentality shifts that get you back on track to your original purpose. If you want your business to succeed and grow, first you must become clear about your strengths and how to live "on purpose" for you organization. You’re upgrading your personal set of tools to lead and manage others, as well as inspire and educate your teams in a like-wise manner, thereby giving you a profound respect by your colleagues. All high performers need coaching from time to time, the best and brightest included.